Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Dream of Kings

I read a book when I was in jail, an amazing story, if not quiet and obscure. I do not recall the name of the book, or the author, unfortunately... but this, below, are the notes I wrote in my cell, some thoughts I took from it. 


Words are cruel, words play tricks, they distort what is in the heart. They conceal the heart- the heart speaks through silence. One learns of the pain of others by suffering one's own pain... by turning inside one's self... by finding one's own soul.

It is important to know of pain.

It destroys our self-pride, our arrogance, our indifference towards others. It makes us aware of how frail and tiny we are, and of how much we must depend upon the Master of the universe.

"How will I teach him to want to take on another person's suffering? A leader must take their pain from them and carry it on his own shoulders. He must cry, in his heart he must always cry. 

How strong, to carry this burden?

To be a mind, without a soul, what ugliness it is. 

To leave your mark on the world as honor, and not intellect. 

To find riches is a beggar's dream... but to find love is the dream of Kings.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


I read a blogger today who talked a lot about women... but the guy had no heart. He was a pick-up artist, a self-proclaimed loser during younger days, now making up for it by running around getting all the tail he can, and doing pretty well with it.

Girls are just a ‘bang’ to him, which is why he titled his book thusly.


Is that all you are?

Sadly, that’s all he is, just as he considers his conquests as nothing more.

The guy had no heart. I was shocked to learn that he had a sister that he professed to care deeply about. Most guys have the sense to make that connection well enough to recognize that girls are also people, human beings, and treating them essentially as though their personhood is of no relevance or value at all... defies common sense, as well as any sense of decency. Or reciprocity. Since he was an atheist, maybe he does regard himself as irrelevant as well as the girls. Or all-important.

Seems like he would tell you that hearts are for suckers. Falling in love is a joke, a physiological trick, a curse to be overcome. Know anyone like that?

Really, what are your thoughts about love?

Do you value it? Do you even believe it exists... or is it a hoax completely?

This guy, he was so cold. So cruel. So heartless. I think he may have also suffered that one effect that promiscuous people don’t expect, but eventually discover- you start to hate the opposite sex. Oh, you’ll still sleep with them, but the idea of love fades out and you are empty, as though your heart poured all out. Restoration can be hard to find.

Some might say that a heart is only a fleshy organ in your chest, nothing more. Others say that there is nothing more important than the condition of our hearts, in some spiritual manner, and there is nothing greater than love.

This guy I read today, he would call a guy in love a ‘chump’. Acting like you have a heart, or love in your heart, won’t get you laid, he says. You end up like some Beta Male who has no game and is generally needy. It does seem, perhaps, that love can make us needy, in the sense that when we get a good deep taste of it, it’s a drug like no other, and we definitely need more.

Or perhaps it’s our needs that drive our love, drive us to be loving first, hoping to see the same sentiments in response to your loving behavior. 

Both kinds being selfish, but the ‘give-first’ approach is the only one that genuinely works.

Anyway, what these heartless people often come to realize is that being heartless is not good. It feels empty, and becomes like a great yawning cavern of emptiness, no feeling... and deep isolation.

I guess some people become heartless when they have been hurt too much, and some people become so preemptively, discarding notions of love as antiquated foolishness here in our modern times of a new age.

It grieves me to see so many people grow so cold. 

Tell me this- how much of your outlook on love, and matters of the heart,

 is connected to your spiritual beliefs?

If you slay your own conscience, do you not slay yourself?